scottish history
A service from


The Highland Clearances

Scottish Origins... up to William Wallace

The Battle of Stirling Bridge

Battle of Falkirk & Execution of Wallace

History of the Kilt

Patrick Geddes

Tragedy at Glencoe


Summary Index
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Scottish Origins... up to William Wallace

Scottish Origins, from the pre-history of Scotland, it's kings, Picts, Celts and Vikings, up until the time of the emergence of William Wallace.

The Highland Clearances & their causes, effects and results

An unflinching, historically accurate, Highland perspective view of the causes, effects and the final results of the tragic and dramatic Highland Clearances. If you are unfamiliar with this story, it may shock you, but it is vital aspect of Scottish and world history, and needs to be told.

The Battle of Stirling Bridge - the Truth

Wallace's most famous triumph over the English forces at Stirling Bridge. Read the actual events that led to the battle in part one, and the battle itself in part two.

Battle of Falkirk & the Execution of Wallace

A three-part in-depth look at the the situation leading to the confrontation of Edward I of England and his most formidable adversary, William Wallace, which concludes in the Battle of Falkirk (1298) and details Wallace's execution and his legacy to Scotland.

Authentic History of the Kilt

An accurate article on the origins of the kilt, old and new, the history, myths, and romanticising of it. Includes correct attire and accompanying Highland accessories.

Patrick Geddes - Scotland's Renaissance Man

Patrick Geddes: Ecologist, planner, botanist - Patrick Geddes's achievements were wide, and deserve worldwide acclaim, by Duncan Macmillan.

Tragedy at Glencoe - the Highland Massacre

A Personal Perspective of the controversial and oft told story of the massacre at Glen Coe of the MacDonald's by the English and their hired Highlanders.

Scotweb's Scottish History Magazine
is edited by
Robert M. Gunn

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All original material © Robert M. Gunn 1997-2003 unless stated
No parts to be reproduced without prior written consent

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